The Different Types of Custom Art we offer.
Mixed Media – Airbrush – Acrylic – Digital
Art Styles Explained
Below are the custom art styles the we can paint with Famous Artist know for that Style.
The hardest to do is Photo Realism and it cost the most. $$$$$$
Abstract is fastest and easiest and it cost the least $
Photo Realism – art styles where the illusion of reality is created through paint so the result looks more like a large, sharply focused photo than anything else.
Richard Estes
Ralph Goings
Robert Bechtle
Realism – It looks very similar real life.
Leonardo Da Vinci
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Honore Daumier
Surrealism – generally based on dreams. Very strange and mysterious. the aim of the picture is to show an item in a different way
Salvador Dali
Henri Rousseau
Max Ernst
Kustom Kulture – powerful imagery formed by tattoo art, surf culture, cartoons and hot rods.
Ed Roth
Ed Newton
Morgan Knocker
Caricaturize – make or give a comically or grotesquely exaggerated representation of (someone or something)
Mad Magazine
Ed Newton
Lenn Redman
abstract – the art consists of colour and shape to represent emotion. the painting wasn’t to what is would appear to be in real life.
Sonia Delaunay
Jackson Pollock
Pam Sanders
pop art – it stands for popular art. contains interesting everday objects in bright colours. it’s inspired by comic strips, ads and popular entertainment.
Andy Warhol
Roy Lichtenstein
David Hockney
cubism – the painting uses many geometric shapes.
Pablo Picasso
Marc Chagall
Georges Braque
expressionism – the artist is more concerned on how the feel about the object rather than what is looks like.
Wassily Kandinsky
Ludwig Kirchner
Edvard Munch
impressionism – the painting looks as if the artist took one quick glance at the subject. it is presented in bold colour and not much detail.
Claude Monet
Mary Cassett
Pierre Auguste Renoir
pointillism – many dots of paint make up a pointillism picture. by far away, they blend together.
Paul Seurat
Paul Signac
Chuck Close
Postimpressionism – still life and landscapes. used alot of colour and shadows.
Vincent Van Cogh
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Paul Gauguin
Primitivism – Art which looks like it’s been painted by a child. Very plain, simple and 2-d
Paul Klee
Henri Matisse